
AquaJellies 2.0-Autonomous behaviour in a collective

Like their natural model, the AquaJellies glide elegantly and seemingly effortlessly through the water. This is ensured by their adaptive tentacles, which are controlled by an electric drive in their body. The integrated communication and sensor technology plus the real-time diagnostics enable coordinated, collective behaviour of several jellyfish, even in a limited space.

Real-time monitoring on a smartphone

Festo presented the AquaJellies for the first time at the Hanover Fair in 2008. Since then the developers have been constantly working on improved communications technology and on the condition monitoring of the individual jellyfish on a smartphone. An app can be used to individually record and track the current condition of each AquaJelly.


Bionic technology carriers for the water technology sector

With the AquaJellies 2.0, Festo is visualising potential and ideas of how efficient systems in the field of water technology may look in the future. Process monitoring and condition monitoring are important topics in all equipment used in the process industry and hence also in the water technology sector.

The task of self-organisation can already be found in wastewater technology today, for example when it comes to channelling collected rainwater from several decentralised rain overflow basins into a central sewage treatment plant. At the same time, condition monitoring allows efficient operations management, servicing and maintenance.


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