Test item: Differential scanning calorimeter (DSC) measures the relationship between the enthalpy change of the sample due to changes in physical and chemical properties and temperature or time. DSC measures the relationship between temperature and heat flow related to the internal thermal transition of the material. Measurable properties include glass transition, "cold" crystallization, phase transition, melting, crystallization, product stability, solidification/solidification kinetics, and oxidation stability.
Technical parameter:
a) Temperature range: -120℃-725℃
b) Heating rate: ±0.1℃
c)Enthalpy accuracy: ±0.1%
Sample requirements:
Metals and chemicals <5mg, high molecular polymers 10mg, and non-obvious heat absorption/exotherm>10mg.
Test samples:
Charging Standard:
Price to be determined
Equipment location:
Weihai Institute of Bionics, Jilin University
Administrator: Minghe Sun
Contact: 18043570596