Thermogravimetric Analyzer

Detailed Information

Test item: The thermogravimetric analyzer measures the change in weight of a material with temperature or time under certain environmental conditions, and the purpose is to study the thermal stability and composition of the material. It can be used to detect the decomposition temperature of materials, the thermal stability and oxidation stability of substances, predict the life of materials, and study the decomposition kinetics.

Technical parameters:

Temperature range: room temperature -1000℃

Temperature accuracy: ±1℃

Heating rate: 0.1-100℃/min

Temperature accuracy: ±0.1℃

Temperature range: room temperature to 1000°C

Sensitivity: not less than 0.1μg

Sample requirements:  As the platinum tray is used, the sample cannot react with platinum, and the sample weight does not exceed 30mg.

Test samples:


Charging Standard:

Price to be determined

Equipment location:

Weihai Institute of Bionics, Jilin University

Administrator: Minghe Sun

Contact: 18043570596

Publish Institute

Weihai Institute of Bionics, Jilin University

Information Publisher

Long Zheng