IEEE International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics





Nov. 29 – Dec. 1, 2020


Columbia University, New York City, USA.

Conference Topics

BioRob covers both theoretical and experimental challenges posed by the application of robotics and mechatronics in medicine and biology. The primary focus of Biorobotics is to analyze biological systems from a “biomechatronic” point of view, trying to understand the scientific and engineering principles underlying their extraordinary performance. This profound understanding of how biological systems work, behave, and interact can be used for two main objectives: to guide the design and fabrication of novel, high performance bio-inspired machines and systems for many different applications; and to develop novel nano-, micro-, and macro- devices that can act upon, substitute parts of, and assist human beings in prevention, diagnosis, surgery, prosthetics, rehabilitation, and personal assistance.

Major Conference Themes

The technical program of IEEE BioRob2020 will include invited talks, contributed paper sessions, workshops and tutorials, contributed posters, late breaking results poster sessions, continuing medical credits (CME), exhibitions, and more.

Papers can cover areas of Biorobotics and Biomechatronics, including:

Robotics and Rehabilitation

Biologically Inspired Robotics

Robotic Surgery

Human Machine Interaction

Wearable Technologies

Brain Machine Interface

Robotics in Ageing

Robotic Companions and Home Care

Human Augmentation

Micro Robotics

Nano Robotics


Columbia University in the City of New York;IEEE-Robotics&Automation society


Sunil K. Agrawal,Columbia University                           

Hermano I. Krebs,Massachusetts Institute of Technology          

Conor Walsh, Harvard University                                  

Joel Stein, Columbia University Irving Medical Center

Conference Journals

IEEE Transactions on Medical Robotics and Bionics (T-MRB),

Important Dates

Submission of contributed papers

February 16, 2020 (23:59 US Pacific time)

Notification of acceptance

May 8, 2020 (23:59 US Pacific time)

Final paper submission deadline

May 22, 2020 May 29, 2020 June 05, 2020 (23:59 US Pacific time)

Late breaking results submission

2020 October 16, 2020 (23:59 US Pacific time)

Contact Email&Website

Ellen Roche,

Publication Chair

Massachusetts Institute of Technology